
Its all about lifestyle

Skin Care and the Physiology of the Skin

The largest organ of the human body is the skin. It protects our bodies from the environment, maintains body temperature, excretes waste matter, gives sensory information to the brain and regulates body moisture. We think about our skin more than any other part of our bodies, and we manifest that attention by investing our emotions and about 6 to 20 % of our disposable income into our skin (Lappe, 1996). It is worthy to consider, then, how cosmetic products affect our skin. In this article the psycho -social impact of cosmetics will be examined as well as why cosmetics are deemed necessary. The physiology of skin, how cosmetics affect skin function and the effects of synthetic and natural cosmetic ingredients on the skin will also be considered. The Psycho-Social Impact
of Cosmetics.

Our society is preoccupied with the "culture of beauty" (Lappe, 1996) which includes the notion that our skin must always look young and appear free from blemish. Our psychological well-being is often closely enmeshed with perceptions of how our skin appears to ourselves and others. We define our self-image to include the visible representation of our skin to others, so as a result, it has become the "primary canvas on which our cultural and personal identity is drawn" (Lappe, 1996). Cosmetic companies set aside concepts of natural beauty so that flaws such as large pores, fine lines and wrinkles are brought to the fore, influencing our spending habits in pursuit of flawless skin. In the animal kingdom, most male species are endowed with colorful physical.

attributes so that a less colorful, but wisely camouflaged female mate will be attracted to it. Humans do not have equivalent ornamentation, so women use cosmetics, specifically make-up, to decorate their faces to attract prospective mates. The Need for Cosmetics A

is any substance which, when applied, results in a temporary, superficial change (Anctzak, 2001). We use a myriad of cosmetics on our skin, from moisturizers to lipstick. Make-up alters our visual appearance by enhancing our facial features through the artistic application of colour. It can beautify the face and be used to express our sense of self to others. Make-up can hide blemishes, scars, under-eye circles or even out our skin tone. It can boost self-esteem, make us feel more attractive and increase our social acceptability in some social situations. Using make-up can contribute to a well-groomed image, which positively influences our confidence, self-esteem, health and morale.

Skin care cosmetics treat the surface layer of the skin by providing better protection against the environment than skin left untreated. Creams treat the skin's surface by imparting moisture to the skin cells on the outermost layer of the skin. It also forms a thin barrier which traps moisture underneath, thereby preventing the evaporation of water from the skin's surface. Creams also accelerate the hydration of skin cells on the outer layer, giving the skin a temporarily smooth, plump appearance. Exfoliants improve the appearance of the skin by sloughing away flaky skin, blackheads and some dead skin cells. Astringents improve skin tone and texture by swelling the pore walls so dirt and debris do not collect within. Soaps loosen particles of dirt and grime by dissolving the greasy residue left on the skin from natural skin oils, creams and make-up.

The Physiology of the Skin and How Cosmetics Affect Skin Function

Skin is made up of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. The epidermis is the only layer we can see with our eyes and as we age, remarkable changes occur which are hidden from our view. For instance, the skin gradually thins over time, especially around the eyes. Some cosmeceuticals can minimally re-thicken the skin, but the process of thinning is inevitable. Elastin and collagen, located in the dermis keep the skin resilient and moist, but with aging these fibers break down to create lines and wrinkles. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation accelerates this process, and since few cosmetics can actually reach the dermis, the idea that a cosmetic can reverse this process is unfounded The best way to prevent fine lines and wrinkles is to limit our exposure to the sun and ultraviolet radiation.

The skin is a highly complex, dynamic tissue system. One square inch of the skin is composed of 19 million cells, 625 sweat glands, 90 oil glands, 65 hair follicles, 19 000 sensory cells and 4 meters of blood vessels (Lappe, 1996 ). The outermost layer of the epidermis is called the cornified layer, and is made of sheets of keratin, a protein, and squames, dead, flat skin cells. It is our barrier against dehydration from the environment. It receives its primary supply of moisture from the underlying tissue, since constant contact from the external environment tends to dry out the skin's surface. When the skin is exposed to dry conditions, the cornified layer can become dry, brittle, firm and if untreated, it can crack and lead to infection. 

Creams create a waxy barrier to prevent dehydration and keep the skin moist and supple. Underneath the cornified layer lie six more layers of the epidermis responsible for cell generation. The life cycle of skin cells within this layer takes approximately 28 days, so it may take three to four weeks to observe any changes at the skin's surface from using a new cosmetic.

The skin surface is also home to millions of healthy micro-organisms which increase our immunity to pathogenic, or disease-causing bacteria. Thus, our desire to sterilize the skin also destroys beneficial bacteria, such as streptococcus mutans, and micrococcus luteus . Toners, for instance, are beneficial in keeping bacterial populations down, thus reducing acne flare-ups resulting from microbes which invade and proliferate in the pores. Overuse of anti-microbial agents can produce harmful results when too many beneficial bacteria are destroyed, allowing pathogenic bacteria to unchecked on the skin. 

The skin also produces antimicrobial proteins, two of which are called defensins and cathelicidins, which increase when the skin is damaged. Perspiration, necessary for the maintenance of internal body temperature, also excretes a germicidal protein called dermicidin to combat producing body odour. Deodorants also assist in keeping the bacterial population down, thus decreasing the odours produced as they feed on the waste matter excreted by the sweat glands. Research has shown that people who wash excessively are more prone to infection and eczema as a result of 'washing' away natural bacteria and germicides too frequently (Awake!, 2004).

The Effect of Natural and Synthetic Cosmetic Ingredients on the Skin

A natural substance is any plant or animal extract, rock or mineral which is obtained from the earth ( An artificial or synthetic substance is a substance which has been modified through chemical reactions in an industrial process (Antczak, 2001). We use a myriad of cosmetics on our skin, but before we use these beauty aids, three essential questions should be asked:

What is the composition of the cosmetic?
Why is each ingredient used?
Do the ingredients have positive or negative effects on the skin and body? (See glossary at

Many products claim to be safe or even may appear to be safe, but beyond the short-term benefits of using the cosmetic, are there any long term effects from daily absorption of its use? Skin used to be considered an impermeable barrier, but transdermal drugs have proven that the opposite is true; the skin allows many substances to pass through its layers into the bloodstream.

Several factors the rate with which the skin will absorb various cosmetic ingredients. The condition of the skin, such as whether it is dry or damaged will increase absorption. Cuts, acne or abrasions also increase absorption. Other ways to absorb cosmetic ingredients is to inhale them, such as with hairspray or talcum powder, or through the mucous membranes. Moist substances are most readily absorbed and powders are absorbed the least by the skin. Many products claim to address a skin issue, such as acne or dry skin, but contain ingredients which aggravate these problems. For instance, acne treatments may contain comedogenic, or pore-clogging ingredients. 

Creams that are supposed to treat dry skin may actually strip the skin of its natural oils which are useful in preventing dryness. Some contain chemicals which seep through the skin and dissolve skin oils and defat the skin (Lappe, 1996). A growing trend is chemical sensitivity, which can develop at any time, even after long term use of the same product. The ingredients in many cosmetics cause 20% of the population (US data, Erickson, 2002) to develop the symptoms of chemical sensitivity. Natural cosmetics emphasize more traditional skin treatments with few of these harsh effects, acknowledge that short term beauty does not balance with long term hazards to health.

The health of the skin is dependent on sound nutritional practices, healthy living and effective, safe protection on its surface. The organic make-up co can help you achieve healthy, radiant skin by offering a complete line of cosmetics and makeup composed of all natural ingredients, with no animal, synthetic or petroleum-based ingredients. Our products are made fresh for you once we receive your order, and contain preservatives such as d-alpha tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and other plant oils with anti-microbial properties.

How You Can Create Advertising

How You Can Create Advertising

A well-planned and properly executed marketing program should include a sufficient commitment of capital resources to an ongoing, well executed advertising program. Yes, this includes your business. Businesses spend too many dollars, however, on ads that simply will not result in

increased sales and profits. These ads are poorly conceived, poorly written, poorly designed, poorly targeted, and poorly placed.

Sounds like a poor way to do business, doesn't it?

I often ask clients (as tactfully as possible), why they have run a particular ad. I get a lot of blank stares. A few tense moments will pass while the client tries to think of a clever answer. "To get the company name out in front of the public so I can get more business. " they reply, with some relief.

This poor soul has just described a lack of a well defined goal, which leads almost inevitably to what I call an institutional ad. An institutional ad can best be described as one which identifies the advertiser and lists address , telephone number, hours of operation, and (maybe) the company logo. That's it. What a terrible waste of money!

Unless your company grosses a billion dollars a year, you can't afford to do institutional ads. If your company does gross over a billion dollars a're probably too smart to run institutional ads.

Every ad you run must result in increased sales and profits and an enhanced image for your company. Every ad should make the customer a solid offer and give the customer sound reasons to buy from you now. Remember, the customer is sitting back and asking, "What can you do for me?" If you're careful to answer that question with a powerful offer and reasons to buy now, you 're on your way to advertising success...which results in increased sales and profits.

How can you improve your chances of increasing sales?

Let's look at some profit-producing ideas


Very few businesses are prepared or qualified to produce quality advertising. If you spend more than $2,000 per month in advertising, you should seriously consider hiring a qualified advertising professional. There are any number of skilled freelancers who can develop strategy, and create your marketing materials with a keen eye to using proven methods and techniques.

Good advertising talent always pays it's own way through increased sales and profits, improved cost-effectiveness, reduced selling costs, and shortened selling cycles.

If your resources are limited, don't feel lost . There's no reason why you can 't learn to write an effective ad. That's what the rest of this article is all you can create advertising that sells.


One of the oldest and most useful formulas for ad design takes its name from the opera Aida by Giuseppe Verde. In this case the letters AIDA stand for ATTENTION, INTEREST, DESIRE, AND ACTION. In it's simplest form this formula serves as a structural

blueprint It guides us to: (1) Get the prospect's Attention, (2) Foster his or her Interest in your offer, (3) build Desire for your product or service and (4) Generate some type of Action on the part of the buyer As we expand on each of these elements individually, you'll discover for yourself how to apply the formula to your specific situation .

ATTENTION (The Headline)

Hit your prospect right between the eyes with a magic wand. How? With a powerful benefit headline. The headline is the most important single element of your ad. You have two to three seconds to stop the reader as he or she passes by. You must stop the reader, and interest them in your benefit, if you expect them to read further.

A powerful headline will (1) stop the reader (2) isolate and qualify your best prospects, and (3) pull your reader into the sub -heads and body copy. How do you write

the attention-getting headline? First, carefully review all the benefits of-use of your product or service. Second, take your most important benefit and weave that benefit into your headline. Use action words to describe the benefit to one individual reader. Here are some examples

" Save 50% On Office Supplies...Send For Your Free Catalog Today !"

"How YOU Can Create Advertising That SELLS!"

"New! Amazing Techniques That You Can Use To Land A High-Paying Job...Today!"

" How To Design Profit-Producing Web Sites That SELL!"


When writing your ad to a business-to-business audience you should keep in mind the six key benefits most likely to get attention:

1.Save Money 2.Save Time 3.Increase Sales 4.Increase Profits 5.Enhance Image 6.Boost cash flow

Most other benefits are subordinate to these key six. I call them the"Business Benefit Six-Pack." Show your customer how your product or service provides these benefits, and you will dramatically improve your results.

INTEREST AND DESIRE> (The Offer, Body Copy, Benefits-Benefits- Benefits)

You build interest in your product or service (and the desire to buy) by making the customer a compelling offer and describing as many benefits as possible in simple and interesting terms. Tip # 1:

Top ad pros always write the ad first, then buy whatever space necessary to display the ad message with clarity and power.

Tip # 2: Words sell...graphic design displays the words in a visually appealing way. Don't confuse the two. No amount of trendy design will make a poorly written ad sell for you. Good design reinforces good copy... it cannot take the place of it! The implication for internet marketers is that content is king. Avoid glitsy, moving graphics that only distract from your message and increase load times. Good design and good copy should work synergistically. Tip #3: Long

copy long as it's good copy. I call it "greased slide" copy. You get the reader on the top of the slide when he reads a powerful headline , and he can't get off until he has taken the action asked for (ie, ordered the product, made the trip to the store, dialed the phone, clicked the order/inquiry button, filled out the on-line order, etc .). ACTION(Ask For The Order) Now comes.

moment of truth. You must ask for the order. Give reasons for the customer to buy now...and make it easy for him to do so. In direct response marketing, this will involve a coupon for mail orders, a toll-free order line, an e-mail address, an on-line order form, a fax order line..any means to make it easy and simple to order! Take the fear

out of the purchase. Give solid guarantees. Offer secure ordering for on-line customers. Show testimonials from satisfied customers.

Show what the customer is going to lose if he doesn't order now.

If you are a retailer, include a map to your store(s) (newcomers love them). Show the credit cards you accept, list the hours of operation, tell them about your friendly staff, include a special coupon or other incentive. In other words, "Roll out the red carpet." INVEST IN FUTURE PROFITS So there you have it. A primer

good advertising. If I've piqued your interest to learn more, then check out the other articles available at this resource.

Remember, bad matter what the media. an unproductive expense.

Good advertising is an investment in future profits!

Good advertising and good management go together. You can't have a successful business on-line or off line without both.

Free Advertising for Your Website With Traffic Exchanges

Your website needs lots of visitors (traffic) if you are going to make money from it. If you do not have a large advertising budget, an effective way to advertise your site for free is to use traffic exchanges, sometimes known as surf sites. These can bring a steady stream of visitors to your website, for no outlay - very important for a business startup if you want to make money online from home.

There are two main types of traffic exchanges - manual exchanges and autosurf. A manual exchange requires you click a link after viewing every page, but you can log in to an auto exchange and leave you computer running. It is best to checking every few minutes that all is well, to ensure you get your credits.

When you join a traffic exchange (usually free) you view other members' web pages in return for your own web page being displayed to other members in rotation. You log in to the exchange and surf, and you are credited for viewing other members' web pages. You allocate these surfing credits to your web pages so they will be displayed to other members.

There are some important elements in surfing for traffic, which may be new to you.

Paid/Pro Memberships - most traffic exchanges offer free membership with the optional paid upgrades. If you upgrade, there are extra benefits such as an allocation of credits per month and a higher credit ratio for pages surfed. You can also buy extra credits. You can decide whether a paid membership will help you after you have tried out the traffic exchange for free first - I have usually found that free membership gives enough credits.

Credit Surfing - all traffic exchanges allow you to earn credits in return for viewing other members' websites. Also look out for bonus credits: many exchanges will give you bonus credits for signing up, for surfing a certain number of pages, or they pop up as you surf, to see if you are paying attention.

Minimum Time Limit - you need to leave a site onscreen for a minimum length of time before you earn a credit. This is normally between 10 and 30 seconds.

Anti Cheat Mechanisms - to ensure that a real person is viewing your web site most traffic exchanges employ anti-cheating mechanisms. This usually means that instead of clicking a "Next Site" button you have to click on a specific icon such as a number, letter or picture from a selection, before you move on to the next site. If you fail this test repeatedly, your account will be terminated automatically, so pay attention!

Referrals - this is the fastest way to build up your credits. Most traffic exchanges provide you with referral pages and banners. You can use these to recruit yourself a downline. When someone signs up from your promotional web page or banner they are placed in your downline. This can earn you an immediate bonus plus a percentage of your downline credits, for example you get one credit for every 10 sites they surf.

There are hundreds of different traffic exchange websites. You can sign up for an account instantly, submit your website's URL and start surfing for credits. Some sites allow you to advertise up to five web pages. I usually include my homepage, plus pages promoting ebooks and free courses.

But the big question is - which traffic exchanges will give you results? Will you be promoting your website in the right places?

Traffic Hoopla produces regular reports to show the most productive and successful traffic exchanges to use. This report is updated weekly with the top 50 traffic exchanges and the top 10 new traffic exchanges. You can find out from this report who delivers the highest unique percentage of visitors and who will deliver quality traffic to your website. This will help you to decide, then you can sign up at the best traffic exchanges to get the biggest return for your efforts.

In the beginning you may want to set aside time to surf for credits - in fact some traffic exchanges require you to surf a certain number of sites to activate your account. Most people find they can complete their surfing in less than an hour a day

In the longer term the best way to make traffic exchanges work for your benefit is to build your own downline. Then the credits flow in as others do the clicking for you. You can recruit members by using the referral web pages of each of the traffic exchanges that you have signed up with or you can sign up with Traffic Hoopla and advertise the 10 best traffic exchanges in one go. This is what I did, and more than 50 people signed up under me in the first week. I now have a comfortable credit balance without needing to surf frequently, and l use my credits to promote my online businesses